Navigating Hormonal Changes: A Guide to Managing Acne During Pregnancy

Navigating Hormonal Changes: A Guide to Managing Acne During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with a host of changes in your body, including hormonal fluctuations that can wreak havoc on your skin. Hormonal acne is a common concern for many pregnant women. Fret not, there are steps you can take to manage it and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion. In this guide, we'll explore the role hormones play in skin health during pregnancy and offer tips for managing acne with the help of Elder Flower's safe and effective skincare solutions.

What Is Hormonal Acne and Why Does It Occur?

Hormonal acne is a type of skin condition  that occurs when hormonal imbalances cause clogging of the pores resulting in unsightly blemishes. During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations can cause an increase in androgen hormones, which can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. This excess oil can clog pores, leading to the manifestation  of acne.

How to Prevent Hormonal Acne During Pregnancy

Preventing hormonal acne during pregnancy starts with maintaining good skin hygiene. Start your skincare practice with a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser to effectively remove excess oil and dirt without damaging your skin's natural barrier. While exfoliating can be great for getting rid of dead skin cells, it's best to avoid anything too abrasive that can cause irritation or inflammation. To enhance your skincare practice, consider using a nourishing product like UNEARTH Overnight Facial Treatment Mask by Elder Flower, which is made with functional mushrooms, powerful botanicals, and nephoria, a natural and non-toxic retinol alternative that can help improve the appearance of acne-prone skin.

Another way to prevent hormonal acne is to maintain a healthy diet. Important for many reasons beyond a glowing visage, eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can not only help your little one grow strong from within, but it can also help keep your skin healthy and reduce the likelihood of breakouts. 

Add to this the simple (yet somehow we always forget) step of drinking tons of water and your skin will stay luminous. Drinking plenty of water can help flush toxins from your body and keep your skin hydrated.

How to Treat Hormonal Acne in Pregnancy

If you're already experiencing hormonal acne during pregnancy,take a moment to give yourself grace and thank your body for making a miracle possible. Then, follow a few simple steps to help soothe your skin and treat your acne.. 

First, check your current product lineup. Especially during this time, your body needs products that won’t disrupt your endocrine system. Try using products that contain all-natural ingredients that won't harm your baby or disrupt your hormones. Elder Flower's plant-based skincare line offers a safe and effective solution for pregnant women struggling with acne.

One of our favorite products to help with hydration and soothing the skin is the UNDERGLOW Hydrating Snow Mushroom Moisturizer, which contains snow mushroom extract and hyaluronic acid to provide deep hydration to your skin. We also suggest using our UNEARTH Overnight Facial Treatment Mask, which is made with functional mushrooms, powerful botanicals, and nephoria, a natural and non-toxic retinol alternative that can help improve the appearance of acne-prone skin. 

Embracing Hormonal Changes With Confidence

As your body goes through the process of creating new life, it's natural for your hormones to fluctuate and your skin to change. Embracing these changes with confidence is essential for your overall well-being. Remember, you are growing a tiny human inside you, and that is an incredible feat. Allow yourself to bask in the beauty of this moment and trust that your body knows what it's doing. Take the time to care for yourself and your skin with safe, all-natural skincare products. And most importantly, remember that your worth and beauty go beyond your physical appearance. You are a strong and capable woman, and your journey through pregnancy is a testament to that. Embrace your hormonal changes with confidence and let your inner glow shine through.

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